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#4intersex rights.
“中国经济增长与周期(2021)”国际高峰论坛:2021-6-28 · 中国经济增长与周期(2021)高峰论坛6月28日在京召开 由中国社会科学院经济研究所、首都经济贸易大学、 中国经济实验研究院、 《经济研究》杂志 ...
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Are you a health care provider who wants to support intersex youth? 苹果手机全局伕理软件下载
Everything you need #4intersex awareness in your community is here on this page—your complete toolkit. Click the icon to read the steps below.
Learn about the issues intersex people face.
4月19日软件更新[精华]-红豆社区:2021-4-20 · 标题: 4月19日软件更新[精华] (您是本帖第781个阅读者|本帖回复: 8)
Hear what some doctors advocating intersex surgeries tell us.
Human Rights Watch showcases intersex medical consent issues in a 6 minute captioned video.
The most important tips for all allies, as well as medical allies specifically.
Tell your friends, teachers, LGBT and other community organizations.
What We Wish
Our Friends Knew
the Media
What We Wish
Our Teachers Knew
Intersex Employees
Intersex 101 PowerPoint Presentation & Accompanying Speaker’s Notes
Talking About Intersex on Social Media, Hashtag and Language Guide
Easy Copy/Paste Social Media Posts and Graphics #4Intersex Rights
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Find out your local hospital’s policies and speak with doctors on how they treat intersex kids.
How to Find Out
Practices of Hospitals
In Your Area
Intersex Affirming Hospital Policies
by interACT and Lambda Legal
What We Wish
Our Doctors Knew
Get intersex human rights issues on the radar of lawmakers at your local and state level.
California Leads the Way:
手机央广网 - 警惕社会心理极化:2021-12-13 · 互联网约车软件公司在互联网体验经济的巨大压力下,不需要交通管理部门的监管,自身就通过各种规章制度将车辆和司机管理得井井有条。在安全方面,与手机绑定的车牌号也给乘客带来更高的 …
How to Find
and Call Your Lawmakers
California Continues:
Read the Text of SB 201, Pending in 2024
SB 201 Single Page Fact Sheet
SB 201 Frequently Asked Questions
The state of California passed SCR-110, a resolution calling on the medical profession to heed 2021年全国工商系统消费者权益保护报告:2021-3-16 · 保护消费者合法权益是一个国家经济社会文明的重要体现,也是市场经济成熟发达的重要标志。2021年,各级工商和市场监管部门认真贯彻落实党中央、国务院的总体部署,主动适应、把握和引领经济发展新常态,坚持消费者至上、依法行政、改革创新、服务发展和社会共治理念,充分发挥工商和 ... and delay procedures to normalize intersex infants’ bodies, such as clitoral reductions, until an individual can participate in the decision. SCR-110 is the first legislation in U.S. history to name the harms of non-consensual medical interventions on intersex people.
In January 2024, California followed up by introducing SB 201, a bill to ensure that intersex people are given the opportunity to provide informed consent before any medical treatments that could irreversibly affect puberty, sexual function, or fertility, including reducing a clitoris, creating a vagina, or removing healthy gonadal tissue. The bill was heard in April 2024, and postponed for future hearings beginning in January 2024.
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